A Product Portfolio
Designed for Your Customers

Exclusive agreements with the best properties in top destinations

Why You Should Work With Bedsonline

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We have the most powerful and user-friendly booking platform for travel advisors

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You get access to a product portfolio that provides you with everything your customers demand

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With our exclusive agreements, you get the best hotels at the best price in the most sought-after destinations

Partner of the Month

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A true "behind-the-scenes" B2B partner

No other service delivers what Bedsonline does in regards to being a true "behind-the-scenes" B2B partner to customers.

Rene Schneeberger
Direct Travel Vacations – Paramus, New Jersey
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Bedsonline is my first choice always

Ease of using the website, wide selection of hotels, activities and transfers and good commission. Bedsonline is my first choice always.

Pat Best
The Travel Agent Next Door – Toronto, Ontario